
How to Join our Zoom Sessions

Zoom will be used regularly for live instruction during our scheduled class times throughout the school day. Zoom will also be used for extra (optional) rehearsals with our staff members, especially with percussion and color guard students to continue playing outside of the "concert band" and "pep band" setting. All dates and times for mandatory and optional zoom meetings will be posted within this tab and the Calendar tab for your convenience.

In order for students to join, all they need to do is click the link below for the appropriate class about 5 minutes before class is scheduled to start. Students will be sent to a waiting room until I officially begin the class. At this time, it is unknown whether or not parents will be allowed to attend our full class meetings without prior arrangements from our administration and/or district office. For this reason, I will only accept student email addresses into the meeting for each class period unless prior arrangements have been made. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns and I'll be happy to get it straightened out.

Mandatory Zoom Classes

Click the links below to gain access to your class and wait until I have started the session. Our school bell schedule is located next to the links for your convenience. Please try to be in the waiting room 5 minutes prior to the start of class so you are not late when I run the Zoom Report at the end of class.

Per 1 (8:30am-9:20am) Prep: No Link

Per 2 (8:30am-9:20am) Orchestra: zoom.us/j/95741995438?pwd=TjQ5UGlQQzBEUjlqZ1hNc2dydGpjQT09

Per 3 (9:35am-10:25am) Auxiliary Band: zoom.us/j/93879970374?pwd=S2hYMkZHZmVwU2o0d2Z4OWZ6ZDhXZz09

Per 4 (9:35am-10:25am) Advanced Band: zoom.us/j/98325431858?pwd=citkaG9lZlA2Nm1zM2lPTmI3V2l2dz09

Per 5 (10:40am-11:30am) Jazz Band: zoom.us/j/95182647543?pwd=RGtUR1dwMVA2b0NoeFoyc0xBVEZidz09

Per 6 (10:40am-11:30am) Intermediate Band: zoom.us/j/96859312347?pwd=RmFUaHI4eC85bm04ZEpOcXJMeE1YUT09

Per 7 (11:45am-12:35pm) Music Elements: zoom.us/j/99530782328?pwd=NnhyNG1kMWxUblVxdEtpcFhKVkRuZz09

Per 8 (10:40am-11:30am) Prep: No Link

Optional Zoom Rehearsals

This section of Zoom will be used for information on attending our optional, live and prerecorded zoom rehearsals during the school day. More information to come for each class as it becomes available! Please note that although these meetings are optional and will not effect grading, students who do not attend WILL fall behind in ability and may not perform well enough in auditions for our non-mandatory ensembles such as marching band, parade band, winter percussion, winter guard, and percussion ensemble. It is absolutely in the best interest of the student to attend with a mindset of bettering themselves as a musician and performer than feel like they HAVE to be there, so please keep an open mind about these zoom rehearsals and remember the bigger picture... HAVE FUN!!!

Rehearsal dates and times may vary based on staff availability, but we will try to get all sessions into the Calendar tab as soon as possible. Please note that the "Miscellaneous Rehearsals" tab will be reserved for master classes outside of the school hours, in case I can get other musicians, performers, and educators to come teach us!

Guitar Class: zoom.us/j/96281288112?pwd=MDNIZFJDa09zOTN3bFN6dE83bzNZdz09

Guard Rehearsals: zoom.us/j/93196774787?pwd=UEZzM21NUlovUTlQZU1EdnRoSGt6Zz09

Percussion Rehearsals: zoom.us/j/93512392809?pwd=aTRpNCsxeFRTNTMrM1BJdmF0VTdXZz09

Miscellaneous Rehearsals: zoom.us/j/96675886491?pwd=RitRUUYrTTI2UG16a2ZUMlZGYlVlQT09